2012 NRAO Postdoctoral Symposium

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is organizing the 8th annual NRAO Postdoctoral Fellows Symposium from Monday, March 26 through Wednesday, March 28, 2012. This year, the symposium will be held at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, New Mexico. The symposium is intended to bring together all the NRAO postdocs, including the non-resident and resident Jansky fellows, to highlight their current research, share ideas, and establish collaborations. Local NRAO scientific staff are also welcome to attend. Please come and enjoy an opportunity to meet the NRAO postdocs and witness the wide breadth of research they are currently participating in. Please note that the EVLA dedication ceremony will be held on March 31. Plan your trip accordingly if you wish to be present for the ceremony. We hope to see you all here in Socorro!

We are pleased to have Yancy Shirley, who is a former Jansky Fellow and is currently a professor at the University of Arizona, as our Keynote Speaker this year.


Important Dates

Registration deadline: February 3, 2012

Abstract submission deadline: March 9, 2012



March 26 - 28, 2012

Pete V. Domenici Science Operations Center

Socorro, New Mexico


Social Events

Welcome Reception - Sunday, March 25

Dinner with Scientific Staff - Monday, March 26

Conference Dinner - Tuesday, March 27

EVLA Tour - Wednesday, March 28

Connect with NRAO

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.