The Galactic Gas Supply Workshop - May 29-31, 2013

Neutral Hydrogen in the local Universe at log(NHI)=17.0

Recent observations in the UV and 21cm lines have provided evidence that very low-level amounts of neutral gas may be common around galaxies and in galaxy groups. Theoretical arguments suggest that such gas might arise from a number of sources including cold mode accretion and galaxy interactions, and may be a trace constituent of much larger amounts of gas.

To explore this topic a workshop will be held May 29-31, 2013 at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank WV.  The workshop will focus on recent observational and theoretical work on the existence and properties of very low column density neutral hydrogen in the local Universe, including:

  • The extreme edges of gaseous galaxy disks
  • The neutral component of intergalactic and circumgalactic gas
  • Galaxy growth through accretion of neutral gas
  • The relationship of faint neutral gas to other components
The intimate setting of the Green Bank Observatory fosters highly interactive meetings.  Because of physical limitations, the workshop will be restricted to about 50 participants.

Scientific Organizing Committee
  • Robert Braun, CSIRO
  • Jay Lockman, NRAO Green Bank
  • D.J. Pisano, West Virginia University
  • Mary Putman, Columbia University
  • Mike Shull, University of Colorado

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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.