
April 7 Monday

8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome Tony Beasley
9:30 Comet ISON and the Demise of Comets Michal Drahus
10:00 A GPU Accelerated Pulsar Search Jintao Luo
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Toward Understanding Proto-Planetary Disk and Binary Star Formation
John Tobin
11:30 The conditions in an extreme Galactic center cloud Elisabeth Mills
12:00 Direct identification of PAHs with the GBT Laura Perez
12:30 Lunch
14:00 CHILES Con Pol: Probing galaxy evolution, the dark Universe, and cosmic magnetism with a deep 1000 hour Jansky VLA survey
Chris Hales
14:30 The making of T-RaMiSu Huib Intema
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Radio Diagnostics of the Inhomogeneous Intergalactic Medium Brian Lacki
16:00 The radio universe as seen from Socorro Walter Max-Moerbeck
16:30 Adjourn
19:00 Dinner at Mellow Mushroom


April 8 Tuesday

9:00 Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies at High Redshift Andrew Baker
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Bridging the Gap: Connecting Galactic and Extragalactic Amanda Heiderman
11:00 The GBT: A Mapping Machine for Dense, Star-Forming Gas in Nearby Galaxies Amanda Kepley
11:30 Star Formation in Dwarf-Dwarf Mergers: Fueling Hierarchical Assembly Sabrina Stierwalt
12:00 Finding tiny, gas-rich galaxies on the edge of the Local Group Jennifer Donovan Meyer
12:30 Lunch with Scientific Staff
14:00 Revealing Massive Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies with the VLA and Chandra Amy Reines
14:30 Viewing galaxies in Faraday depth space Sui Ann Mao
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Extended [CII] and [OI] emission from star forming galaxies at z~1.8 Drew Brisbin
16:00 Resolved Studies of High-Redshift Submillimeter Galaxies Jacqueline Hodge
16:30 Adjourn
19:00 Dinner at Basil

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.