
Monday 27 October

0830-0900 Coffee

0900-0905 Welcome [Chandler]

0905-0910 Logistics [Van Moorsel]

0910-0940 VLA Capabilities and Observing [Butler]

0940-1010 Introduction to CASA [Ott]

1010-1030 Coffee

1030-1130 Data Reduction Techniques I [Momjian]

1130-1315 Lunch

1315-1415 Data Reduction Techniques II [Momjian]

1415-1700 Data Reduction

1715-1900 Welcome Reception at Gustaaf's (map)


Tuesday 28 October

0900-0930 Introduction to CASA Scripting [Myers]

0930-1030 Wide-Band Wide-Field Imaging [Bhatnagar]

1030-1045 Coffee

1045-1115 Polarization [Moellenbrock]

1115-1330 Lunch

1330-1700 Data Reduction

Wednesday 29 October

0900-1430 VLA tour; starts and ends at Array Operations Center.  Bring:

    • lunch, plenty of water
    • sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
    • closed shoes only

1500-1600 VLA Pipeline [Chandler]

1600-1700 Data Reduction


Thursday 30 October

0900-0930 Applying pipeline calibration to raw data [Medlin]

0930-1000 RFI Identification [Momjian]

1000-1030 CASA: Current performance and Future Plans [Kern]

1030-1045 Coffee

1045-1145 Data Reduction

1145-1200 Group Photo [Walker]

(click image for full resolution)

1200-1330 Lunch

1330-1700 Data Reduction


Friday 31 October

0900-1200 Data reduction

1200-1330 Lunch

1330-1700 Data Reduction

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.