Presentations and Posters
Presentation Guidelines
- Please use a 4:3 aspect ratio when preparing your presentations.
We have arranged for an Open Science Framework (OSF) hosting site with the Center for Open Science. The service is simple to use and allows us to quickly download and stage your presentation at the workshop.
In order to keep the talks flowing smoothly, please:
- upload your presentation to OSF as soon as possible, and no later than Tuesday morning, December 15 before you register.
- Use this naming convention for your file: LastName_title of talk
- Just to be on the safe side, please also have your talk ready on a thumb drive.
Submitting your talk to OSF
Send an email to from the email account you would like used on the OSF.
The format of the email should be as follows:
- Subject
- LastName_Presentation title
- Message body
- Presentation abstract (if any)
- Attachment
- Your presentation file (e.g., PowerPoint, PDF, etc.)
Important note: This hosting site is open to the public (content my be found via search engine), but is not publicized beyond this workshop. If any content should NOT be publicly available, please let Karen know so that alternate arrangements can be made. This service also allows for a permanent archive, and gives presenters a direct link to give to colleagues, should you wish to share your presentation.
Poster Guidelines
If your poster has been selected for presentation at the workshop, please note that we have created an archive at Open Science Framework (OSF). Should you choose to publicly share PDF or PPT versions of your poster, you may submit your poster to OSF at any time before, during or after the workshop.
Submitting your poster to OSF
Send an email to from the email account you would like used on the OSF.
The format of the email should be as follows:
- Subject
- LastName_Poster title
- Message body
- Poster abstract (if any)
- Attachment
- Your poster file (PDF)
Poster Dimensions
All accepted poster presentations should be no larger than 4'x3' and vertical in orientation. T-pins will be provided for hanging. The poster area will be open during registration and throughout meeting.
Posters must be removed no later than 2 PM on Friday, December 17th.
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