High Frequency Science Workshop


Science with the NRAO Green Bank Telescope (GBT) at its high frequencies (18 - 116 GHz) is flourishing, and new multi-pixel cameras for continuum and spectroscopy are being commissioned this year.

We are organizing a workshop at NRAO – Green Bank 21-23 September 2015 that will survey the range of high-frequency science made possible with the existing and new GBT instrumentation. The goal of the workshop is to come to an understanding of community interest in the GBT for high-frequency observations, and the role of the GBT in research, instrumentation development, and hands-on training for the scientific community in the era of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and the JVLA.

The workshop will be held at the NRAO – Green Bank Observatory in Green Bank, WV starting at 9:00 EDT Monday, 21 September and ending with lunch on Wednesday, 23 September. Logistical considerations limit the number of participants to about 50 persons.

Scientific Organizing Committee

F.J. Lockman, NRAO – Green Bank (Chair)
John Bally, University of Colorado
Sarah Church, Stanford 
Mark Devlin, University of Pennsylvania
Shep Doeleman, Haystack Observatory – MIT
Dave Frayer, NRAO ­– Green Bank
Alyssa Goodman, Harvard 
Andy Harris, University of Maryland
Adam Leroy, Ohio State
Brian Mason, NRAO -- Charlottesville
Karl Menten, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Richard Prestage, NRAO – Green Bank
Craig Sarazin, University of Virginia
Yancy Shirley, University of Arizona

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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.