On-site Logisitics


All lodging will be on the Observatory grounds, either in the Residence Hall or a nearby house.


All meals will be served at the Observatory.

Computing Access

We offer only wired Internet access on-site and in your lodging. If you need a Cat5 cable, some will be available on site. WiFi is not permitted on site.  We also ask that you turn off the WiFi capability of any wireless devices while in Green Bank.  During the workshop visitors will have Internet access in their rooms (for most guests), the Residence Hall Lounge, the Observer's Periphery, and Rooms 122 and 123 of the Jansky Lab.

If you did not bring your own computer and need a guest account on our system, please call Jessica Taylor at extension 2227 and she will connect you with our computing group.

Arrival Information

  • Visitors arriving on Sunday after 12:00 noon EDT can pick up their room keys and registration packet within the lobby of the Residence Hall.
  • Visitors arriving before noon on Sunday can pick up their keys and registration packet outside the "Receptionist" office within the Jansky Lab.  You should enter the Jansky Lab "MAIN ENTRANCE" (see zoomed-in site map below).   If the second door is locked, use the phone inside the first door to call the GBT operator who can let you in.
  • Visitors arriving after 8:15am on Monday morning can pick up their room keys and registration packet outside the Auditorium of the Jansky Lab where the talks will be presented.
  • A welcoming reception will occur in the Residence Hall Lounge (2nd floor) starting at 6:30pm on Sunday.
  • The Green Bank Observatory Public Open House will be occurring on site Sunday afternoon.  Please feel free to participate in these activities at the Green Bank Science Center.

Site Maps

RFI Concerns

The Green Bank site of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the location of the workshop, is a unique resource for radio astronomy and has many operating telescopes. It is located in the National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ), which provides protection from permanent, fixed, and licensed transmitter services. Its location, surrounded by national forest and mountainous terrain, also serves to protect observations. Therefore, there are some important points to keep in mind during your travel to and stay in Green Bank.

  • Please be aware that there is no cell phone reception within Green Bank nor within a 1 hour drive of Green Bank.
  • We offer only wired Internet access on site and where you'll be lodged. Please bring your own Cat5 (ethernet) cable. WiFi is not permitted on site. We also ask that you turn off the WiFi capability of any wireless devices while on site.
  • Digital cameras are not permitted near the telescopes.

Further details are available in PDF format.



Contact Jessica Taylor (jtaylor@nrao.edu) 304-456-2227 or David Frayer 304-456-2223 (dfrayer@nrao.edu) if you have questions about on-site logistics and/or travel.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.