ALMA Baseline Correlator Workshop


May 2-5, 2016

Charlottesville, VA, USA

Workshop photo

The ALMA Online software team is pleased to announce that a Correlator Workshop will be held at the NRAO Headquarters in Charlottesville, Virginia on 2-5 May 2016.

The purpose of the workshop is to display and share information about hardware and software implementations aspects of the 64-input ALMA correlator. As a people gathering instance, the workshop will help software developers and stakeholders in general to better understand how the ALMA correlator works and what are its capabilities and limitations. Presentations and ensuing discussions during the workshop will help define specific action items to investigate possible improvements and/or plans for implementing additional correlator modes.

Some sessions through the four day workshop will not be of interest to the general public, and they will not be available through video or phone conferencing.

The opportunity for organizing a workshop at this time coincides with Jesus Perez (ICT online software) retirement happening on March 31st, 2016; which makes more relevant to transfer now specific knowledge and share experiences. J is the sole designer and developer of the software for the Correlator Control Computer.




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