
Monday, May 2 (video streaming available)

’Big picture’ presentations of how the correlator system is implemented in hardware and software. Exposing terminology and showing individual components within different areas of the correlator will help tune a common view of the system to every body.

Local TimeTopicPresenterSupporting DocumentChair/Minutes
08:45 Welcome Rodrigo Amestica Rodrigo/Ralph
09:00 ALMA Correlator System Overview Ray Escoffier

Escoffier: Correlator Overview


10:00 Coffee break
10:15 ALMA Station Electronics Details Rich Lacasse

Lacasse: Station Electronics

11:15 Correlator Electronics Alejandro Saez

Saez: Correlator Electronics

12:15 Lunch
13:15 ALMA Correlator Monitoring Joe Greenberg

Greenberg: Correlator Monitoring

14:15 Observing Scripts Ralph Marson

Marson: From the SB to the CCC

15:15 Coffee
15:30 Correlator Control Computer J. Perez

Perez: CCC

16:30 Correlator Data Processor Rodrigo Amestica

Amestica: CDP

Tuesday, May 3 (video streaming not available)

Configuring the correlator hardware for a specific observation takes some time, communication channels are shared for different purposes (e.g. state configuration and geometric delay values). This resource-sharing nature of the hardware implies some limitations on how much concurrency the software could apply to configure and carry out specific observations. Showcase specific efficiency limitations related to sub-scan overheads, minimum time interval between sub-scans in a single sub-array and across several sub-arrays. Identify specially affected use-cases and outline priorities and possible approaches to mitigate their attached inefficiencies.

Local TimeTopicPresenterSupporting DocumentChair/Minutes
09:00 Sub-arrays and their inherent flexibility Nick Whyborn

Whyborn: ALMA efficiencies

10:15 Coffee
10:30 TBD Rich/Rachel
12:00 Lunch
13:00 TBD Ray/Rachel
15:00 Coffee
15:15 TBD Ralph/Rodrigo

Wednesday, May 4 (video streaming not available)

Discussions and presentations will focus on different aspects:

  • New correlator modes and the future.

There is a number of correlator modes still to be commissioned. Based on feedback expected from the next Observing Modes planning meeting (Garching, last week of April) assess required effort to implement and commission them.

  • Single Event Upsets and Software Monitoring

Cosmic ray events can have a damaging effect on correlator electronics. The hardware tried to protect itself by means of high current detection and shutdown counter actions. Software monitoring and proper interpretation of collected data should help better understand the effects of each event in the system.

  • Hardware and software support for implementing a hardware based simulation environment at the AOS.

By the time of the workshop takes place some major guidelines for this simulation system will be available. Present what the system will be with some detail, time frame, and the required effort for ’first light’.

  • Recently founded NA ALMA upgrade studies

Aimed at extending the correlator hardware to produce more spectral channels and support two times more bandwidth and possible a completely new correlator a few more years down the line. Present related implications (ICT point of view in particular) for their implementation and deployment.

The workshop dinner will be held Wednesday evening.

Local TimeTopicPresenterSupporting DocumentChair/Minutes
09:00 Additional correlator modes Rodrigo Amestica Listing and effort assessment J/Rodrigo
10:15 Coffee
10:30 SEU relevance for better monitoring Joe Greenberg

What to monitor and how to analyze

Greenberg: Single Event Upsets

12:00 Lunch
13:00 Hardware based simulation environment Tzu Shen

Basic architecture and current status

Shen: Simulation Environment

15:00 Coffee
15:15 Recently funded NA ALMA upgrade studies Rich Lacasse

Impact on existing resources

Lacasse: Upgrade Impacts

14:15 The ALMA Phasing System Geoff Crew

Crew: ALMA Phasing System

18:00 Dinner


Thursday, May 5 (video streaming available)

In deep description of how the correlator software is actually implemented, with emphasis on the CCC part of it. Present to software developers in particular the different parts (C++ classes, threading instances, hardware interfaces) that implement major functional aspects and their dependencies (CCC and CDP). Help navigate the source code tree based on some specific functionally that one is troubleshooting due to a problem report.

Local TimeTopicPresenterSupporting DocumentChair/Minutes
09:00 CCC Software Implementation in Detail J. Perez Ralph/Rodrigo
10:15 Coffee
10:30 CCC Software Implementation in Detail J. Perez Rodrigo/Rachel
12:00 Lunch
13:00 CDP Software Implementation in Detail Rodrigo Amestica J/Rachel
15:00 Coffee
15:15 CDP Software Implementation in Detail Rodrigo Amestica Ralph/J

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.