
Conference Location

  • The conference will be located at the NRAO Headquarters in Charlottesville in the Edgemont Road auditorium.


  • The Hyatt hotel has a free breakfast available
  • Lunch will be provided all four days of the workshop. Vegetarian options will be available.
  • The conference dinner will be held at Vivace, a local Italian restaurant. Vegetarian options will be available.

Traveling to and from Charlottesville

Maps of Charlottesville

Hotels in Charlottesville

We have reserved a block of rooms at the the Hyatt Place at Stonefield. Stonefield is a new, upscale development in Charlottesville and contains many places for shopping and eating within walking distance (Parallel 38, Burton's Grill, Trader Joe's, Regal movie theaters, Duck Donuts, and more). 

The cost is $119/night.

To reserve by phone, call 800.993.4751 and mention the Group Code "G-NR56" or the dates of the workshop and "NRAO".

To reserve online, go to the Charlottesville Hyatt, put in the city and dates an click on "Special rates". Enter the code "G-NR56" under Corporate or Group code, check availability, and reserve!

The block of rooms will be held until April 15th. If you are unable to reserve your room by then, please let us know and we can assist you.

Please contact or if you have any questions or need help.

Other options include:

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.