
Important Dates

Please be sure to register for the Symposium by the deadline - February 19, 2016.

The Abstract deadline is March 18, 2016. Please be sure to submit your Abstract using the form provided. 


Symposium participants are responsible for making a reservation at the Green Bank residence hall.  Fill out a reservation form through the NRAO Business Office System website.  Please state that you are attending the NRAO postdoctoral symposium on the reservation form and give the dates you will need housing. If you are flying into Dulles, you may also provide flight information and request transportation from Dulles to GB. 


When making travel plans, keep in mind that there will be a welcome reception on Sunday, March 27 at 7 pm.  Sandwiches, appetizers, and drinks will be served.

For those coming from Charlottesville:

The NRAO Dodge Caravan has been reserved and should fit up to 6 people.  If you choose to drive separately, you will be reimbursed for round trip mileage.  Please coordinate with .

For those coming from Socorro and elsewhere:

If you will be flying, you have the option to fly into Dulles International Airport (IAD) in Washington, DC or Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport (CHO) in Charlottesville, Virginia.  If requested in your lodging reservation, transportation from Dulles to Green Bank will be arranged for those flying into Dulles.  If you fly into Charlottesville, you can ride with local postdocs from CV to GB, or rent a car at CHO and drive to GB.

Computing Access

We offer only wired Internet access on-site and in your lodging. If you need a Cat5 cable, some will be available on site. WiFi is not permitted on site. We also ask that you turn off the WiFi capability of any wireless devices while in Green Bank.

If you did not bring your own computer and need a guest account on our system, please contact Jessica Taylor and she will connect you with our computing group.

RFI Concerns

The Green Bank site of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the location of the workshop, is a unique resource for radio astronomy and has many operating telescopes. It is located in the National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ), which provides protection from permanent, fixed, and licensed transmitter services. Its location, surrounded by national forest and mountainous terrain, also serves to protect observations. Therefore, there are some important points to keep in mind during your travel to and stay in Green Bank.

  • Please be aware that there is no cell phone reception within Green Bank or within a 1 hour drive of Green Bank.
  • We offer only wired Internet access on site and where you'll be lodged. Please bring your own Cat5 cable. WiFi is not permitted on site. We also ask that you turn off the WiFi capability of any wireless devices while on site.
  • Digital cameras are not permitted near the telescopes.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.