
March 27, Sunday
7:00  Welcome Reception in GB Lounge
March 28, Monday
8:55 Welcome - Introduction to Green Bank N. Cunningham; J. Lockman

An extremely high velocity molecular jet surrounded by an ionized cavity in the protostellar source Serpens SMM1

Chat Hull

Searching for Extrasolar Coronal Mass Ejections with Radio Spectroscopy

Jackie Villadsen
10:25 Coffee Break

Life's First Handshake: Detection of the First Interstellar Chiral Molecule

Brett McGuire

Mapping Magnetic Fields in Star Forming Regions with BLAST

Laura Fissel

Pulsar Timing Arrays Beyond the Stochastic GW Background

Dustin Madison
12:15 Lunch Break

High Energy Shocks in Novae Shells

Jennifer Weston

GRBs: The Radio Revolution

Tanmoy Laskar

The Cosmic Evolution of AGN Feedback: Insights from Broad-band Radio Spectral Indices

Kristina Nyland
2:45 Coffee Break

Submillimeter Array Observations of NGC 2264-C: Molecular Outflows and Infall Motions

Nichol Cunningham

Stellar Flares: from Plasma Physics on Stars to Space Weather on Other Worlds

Rachel Osten
4:30 Adjourn
5:45 Leave GB for conference dinner at Mountain Quest
March 29, Tuesday
9:00 Telescope Tours                                                                   
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Control Room Tour (TBD)                                                                     
2:00 Career Panel Discussion chaired by Jay Lockman Tracy Clarke, Chris Klein, Jeff Mangum, Iva Momcheva, Adam Morgan, & Rachel Osten
4:30 Adjourn
6:00 Dinner with Scientific Staff

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.