Logistics - Virtual

This event is virtual and will be conducted over Zoom. Participants will be provided the connection details as well as the login information to use the NRAO cluster resources during the workshop.

Guidelines for Data Reduction Sessions

To facilitate interaction between NRAO staff helpers and workshop participants during the data reduction sessions, we have developed some recommended guidelines:

  • During the data reduction session, NRAO staff will be available for interactive help through the workshop zoom room. A coordinator will be present during those times and can be identified as being the zoom meeting host. All NRAO staff are identified through "FirstName (NRAO)".
  • There will be break-out rooms available, one specifically is labeled "tea room", if participants want to chat with each other. Other rooms will be used for ad-hoc discussions between participants and staff, per request to the coordinator.
  • Participants should use the "raise hand" feature if they need help. They will be asked to join a break-out room. The coordinator will briefly join them to understand the issue and, if needed, assign a staff helper to join to help resolve the issue.
  • If one-on-one discussions are, or result in topics that can be, of general interest for the wider audience, we will be providing information at the beginning of every data reduction session at the workshop zoom room. Typically at 9:00 and 13:00 MDT (unless noted otherwise) during data reduction days.
  • We have a workshop slack workspace to facilitate interaction among participants. While other channels can be utilized, we will only guarantee interaction between NRAO staff and participants through the three channels: #announcements, #login-issues, #general.
  • In certain situations, when requesting one-on-one staff help, it is beneficial if the NRAO staff member can take interactive control of the VNC session of a participant. If a participant wants to take advantage of this option, they need to be prepared to share their vncserver password (which should be different from their nm-### login password).

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.