239th American Astronomical Society Meeting

NRAO Town Hall

This NRAO Town Hall will inform the AAS membership about the status of science, science operations, and development programs at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). And opening reception will be followed by brief presentations that will update the membership regarding:

  1. scientific opportunities and technical development at the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), and the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA);
  2. recent science results from across the community and the Observatory, including the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS); and
  3. scientific and technical planning for future radio astronomy research facilities, including a next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA).

The NRAO Town Hall will include time for discussion and answering audience questions.


  • Tony Beasley (NRAO Director)
  • Amy Kimball (VLA Sky Survey)
  • Eric Murphy (ngVLA)

ngVLA Special Session: Chemical Probes of Astrophysical Systems

KSG2 with mtex antennasAstrochemistry has become a critical investigative tool for a large range of astrophysical studies, spanning Solar System objects to the most distant galaxies.  The investigation of extrasolar planetary systems is one of the defining pursuits of contemporary astronomy, using complex chemical tracers to identify the conditions that ultimately lead to habitability.   Extraterrestrial amino acids, the chemical building blocks of the biopolymers that comprise life on Earth, are present in meteoritic samples and in comets, but our understanding of the chemical and physical pathways to the formation of (pre)biotic molecules remains incomplete.   On galaxy scales, the presence of various molecules and associated isotopes indicate the role of energetic processes (e.g., shock, UV, and cosmic-ray heating) affecting interstellar medium conditions and pathways to the formation of the next generation of stars.  While existing facilities are making transformative discoveries by pushing their capabilities to the limit of what can be detected, sample sizes remain small as detections of individual systems are limited to the nearest luminous sources.  Informed by these pioneering efforts, next-generation ground- and space-based facilities will deliver large, multi-wavelength surveys that will produce spectroscopic information across the entire electromagnetic spectrum.  These data will deliver a much-improved theoretical understanding of the fundamental physics driving the formation of habitable planetary systems as well as the formation and evolution of galaxies over cosmic time.  

This Special Session will:

  • Highlight recent scientific breakthroughs in astrochemistry enabled by current investigations using large optical/IR, (sub-) millimeter, and radio facilities;
  • Describe planned near- and long-term improvements for ground- and space-based facilities;
  • Discuss major scientific leaps likely to result from next-generation facilities across the electromagnetic spectrum; and
  • Review the highest-priority themes in the field of astrochemistry that will be accomplished by the state-of-the-art observatories that will be commissioned in the next decade.

Confirmed Invited Speakers

Prebiotic Molecules Brett McGuire Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Organics in the Mid-Planes of Protoplanetary Disks Kamber Schwarz University of Arizona
Exoplanet Atmospheres Eliza Kempton University of Maryland
The Chemical Path from Envelope to Planet Dominique Segura-Cox University of Texas – Austin
The Complex Chemistry of Comets Stefanie Milam NASA GSFC
Deciphering Galaxy Energetics Through Chemistry David Meier New Mexico Tech

ALMA Special Session: ALMA Status & Plans for Increased Capability

ALMA Panorama

Beginning early science operations a decade ago in 2011, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) will be in the midst of Cycle 8 observations during the January 2022 American Astronomical Society meeting. Over the past ten years, ALMA has provided unprecedented sensitivity, image fidelity, and resolution at  millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, supporting the research interests of more than 8000 PIs and co-Is. From Solar System objects to the earliest galaxies, ALMA observations have produced breathtaking images and opened new discovery space. ALMA data have been published in 2400+ refereed publications. 

This Special Session will describe ALMA news, capabilities, and expectations for ALMA performance and science in the next few years and plans for its upgrade in the 2030 timeframe. In that period, ALMA will complete its frequency coverage of the millimeter window. ALMA's bandwidth will be increased to enhance simultaneous spectral range and continuum sensitivity, even as its line sensitivity is increased via receiver upgrades, an upgraded correlator, and upgrades of the systems connecting them. Higher resolution imaging is being explored, both on the exceptional site and as part of extremely long baseline imaging arrays. 

The session will feature science talks presenting a wide range of recent, exciting ALMA science results and will also highlight the support available to the community from the North American ALMA Science Center (NAASC) at the NRAO.


  • Adam Leroy (Ohio State University): The Cold Gas in Nearby Galaxies: Recent Progress and ALMA's Future Prospects
  • Jane Huang (University of Michigan): Unveiling the Birth Sites of Planets: Recent Results and Future Prospects with ALMA
  • Alexandra Pope (University of Massachusetts): Decoding the Cosmic Evolution of Galaxies through their Multiphase Interstellar Medium with ALMA, JWST and the Large Millimeter Telescope

KSG2 with mtex antennas

The next-generation Very Large Array: Engine of Discovery

This talk will briefly describe the plans, status, and science enabled by the next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA), a versatile interferometric array envisaged to operate as a facility of the U.S. National Science Foundation, starting in the 2030s. Building on the superb observing conditions and existing infrastructure of the Very Large Array site, the ngVLA will deliver an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity and angular resolution at frequencies spanning 1.2–116 GHz. The ngVLA will also expand U.S. Very Long Baseline Interferometry capabilities, replacing current Very Long Baseline Array antennas and infrastructure with ngVLA technology and additional stations on 1000 kilometer baselines. The ngVLA will be optimized for observations in the spectral region between the superb submillimeter performance of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, and the future Square Kilometer Array performance at decimeter and longer wavelengths. The ngVLA will open a vast swath of discovery space and will unveil the formation of Solar System analogs on terrestrial scales; probe the initial conditions for planetary systems and life with astrochemistry; chart the assembly, structure, and evolution of galaxies; use pulsars in the Galactic Center as fundamental tests of gravity; and witness the formation and evolution of stellar and supermassive black holes in this multi-messenger astronomy era.

Presented by: Eric J. Murphy, NRAO, ngVLA Project Scientist

VLA/VLBA Community Webinar Series

Toward a More Inclusive Proposal Review Process: Outcomes from the ALMA Cycle 8 Review

ALMA introduced a number of changes to the proposal process in Cycle 8 2021, including the adoption of dual anonymous practices for all proposals (in which neither the reviewer nor proposing team know the identity of the other), and distributed peer review (in which each proposing team provides a reviewer for ten other submitted proposals). Overall, 1735 proposals were reviewed – 1497 of which were reviewed using distributed peer review – and the top ranked proposals populated the observing queue for Cycle 8, which began in October 2021. In this talk, we will summarize the changes made to the proposal review process and the results of the distributed peer review process. We will also present overviews of the extensive analyses performed on the final submitted ranks and review comments, as well as surveys of the process participants, and we will describe the effect the process had on existing systematic trends apparent over the last several proposing Cycles.

2022 NRAO Postdoctoral Symposium

2022 NRAO Postdoctoral Symposium

The 2022 Postdoctoral Science Symposium will be held on May 9 - 10, 2022 at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia. The annual symposium brings together the resident and non-resident Jansky fellows and NRAO postdocs in order to highlight their current research, share ideas, and establish collaborations. Local NRAO scientific and engineering staff are also encouraged to attend.

We are pleased to have Dr. Christine Wilson, Distinguished University Professor at McMaster University, as our Keynote Speaker this year.


Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2022

Registration deadline: May 6, 2022



May 9 - 10, 2022

NRAO Auditorium

Edgemont Road, Charlottesville


Social Events

Informal Gathering/Dinner - Sunday, May 8


Symposium Dinner - Monday, May 9

Location: Burtons Grill

Time: 7:00 pm EDT


Travel to Green Bank Observatory - May 11

GBT Tour



Monday, May 9, 2022 (EDT)


Registration (in person participants)




Jeff Mangum

AGNs and Galaxies

Chair: Loreto Barcos Munoz


Radio Spectra of Luminous, Heavily Obscured WISE-NVSS Selected Quasars with Young Radio Jets

Pallavi Patil

Evolution of Neutral Hydrogen Properties of Galaxies Over One-Third the Age of the Universe with CHILES

Julia Blue Bird


Chasing Radio Galaxies Across the Universe

Emily Moravec


Discussion: AGNs and Galaxies


Lunch Break



Galactic Structure

Chair: Jeff Mangum


Characterizing Evolved Galactic Stellar Population:
A Challenge For Astrometric Measurements

Luis Henry Quiroga-Nunez


Radio Recombination Lines from the High-redshift ISM

Kim Emig

Scaled Antennas For Ascertaining the Radio Index (SAFARI) for low-frequency cosmology


Bang Nhan


Discussion: Galactic Structure


Coffee Break


Keynote: A dynamic view of the star formation process in galaxy mergers

Christine Wilson

Social Hour




Symposium Dinner: Burtons Grill (Reservation is at 7 pm)

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 (EDT)



Disks and Outflows

Chair: Zhi-Yu Li


Multimolecular Studies of Gas in Protoplanetary Disks with the SMA and ALMA

Dana Anderson


Mapping the Rings of IRC+10216 with GBT/ARGUS

Jesse Bublitz

Discovery of a brown dwarf with quasi-spherical mass-loss

Dary Ruiz

Discussion: Disks and Outflows


Lunch Break


Career Panel (break for non-postdocs)


Coffee Break


Career Panel (break for non-postdocs)


Coffee Break


Important Dates

Please be sure to register for the Symposium by Friday, May 6.

The Abstract deadline is Friday, April 15. Please be sure to submit your Abstract using the link provided.

When making travel plans, keep in mind that there will be a welcome dinner planned on Sunday, May 8. Check back for updates.


A block of rooms has been reserved at Hyatt Place, located at 2100 Bond Street in Charlottesville, next to the Stonefield shopping center. You will receive a reservation confirmation number after you register for the symposium. Please be sure to include your planned arrival and departure dates when you register. The lodging will be direct billed, as will any flights that are booked by NRAO.


NRAO is located at 520 Edgemont Road in Charlottesville Virginia. The closest airport is the Charlottesville/Albemarle Airport (CHO) and rental car options are available.

All travel expenses will be covered by the Symposium budget. If you would like NRAO to purchase flights and/or rental cars on your behalf, you may contact with your request.

Parking at NRAO is free but somewhat limited.  If at all possible, please coordinate travel schedules to share rental cars.

Be sure to submit a Travel Authorization Form to Jessica Burns as soon as your travel plans are confirmed. The postdoc symposium account number can be checked with JJ.


Following is the complete list of registered participants including postdocs, invited speakers, organizers and registered local scientific staff:

  • Dana Anderson (UVA)
  • Loreto Barcos Munoz (NRAO CV)
  • Tim Bastian (NRAO CV)
  • Julia Blue Bird (NRAO SO)
  • Jesse Bublitz (GBO)
  • Kim Emig (NRAO CV)
  • Brian Kent (NRAO CV)
  • Amanda Kepley (NRAO CV)
  • Daniel Lin (UVA)
  • Andy Lipnicky (GBO)
  • Jeff Mangum (NRAO CV)
  • Jennifer Donovan Meyer (NRAO CV)
  • Emily Moravec (GBO)
  • Larry Morgan (GBO)
  • Bang Nhan (NRAO CV)
  • Pallavi Patil (NRAO SO)
  • Luis Henry Quiroga Nunez (NRAO SO)
  • Dary Ruiz-Rodriguez (NRAO CV)
  • Christine Wilson (McMaster)

Local Organizing Committee

  • , Administrative Support (NRAO CV)
  • Jeff Mangum, Jansky Coordinator (NRAO CV)
  • Emily Moravec, Postdoctoral Fellow (GBO)
  • Pallavi Patil, Jansky Fellow (NRAO SO)
  • Dary Ruiz Rodriguez, Jansky Fellow (NRAO CV)


2022 Abstracts












240th American Astronomical Society Meeting

NRAO Town Hall

This NRAO Town Hall will inform the AAS membership about the status of science, science operations, and development programs at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). An opening reception will be followed by a brief presentation that will update the membership regarding:

  1. scientific opportunities and technical development at the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), and the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA);
  2. recent science results from across the community and the Observatory, including the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS); and
  3. scientific and technical planning for future radio astronomy research facilities, including a next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA).

The NRAO Town Hall will include time for discussion and answering audience questions.


  • Tony Beasley (NRAO Director)

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.