Tutorial Details

Tutorial questions only: Amy Mioduszewski.

All changes, questions, or comments: Registration Support.


Day 1 - May 16

ALMA General Data Reduction (CASA)

Will begin with a general introduction to ALMA data reduction and CASA.  High frequency (~350GHz) spectroscopy of nearby T Tauri star TW Hydra, image the CO(3-2) line and HCO+(4-3) line.

VLA General Data Reduction (CASA)

Will begin with a general introduction to VLA data reduction and CASA.  Participants can choose the CASA Guide they would like to work with either: Carbon Star IRC+10216: high frequency (36GHz) (spectral line data reduction) or Supernova Remnant 3C391 (6cm Polarimetry and Continuum Imaging, Mosaicking).

VLBA General Data Reduction (AIPS)

Participants will learn about spectral line data reduction of VLBA data.  This will include phase referencing and is easily translated to continuum data reduction.  The data set is a 24 GHz observation of water masers in star-forming region IRAS 00420+5530.


Day 2 - May 20

ALMA Advanced Data Reduction (CASA)

Additional special topics that might be needed for ALMA data reduction.

VLA Advanced Data Reduction (CASA)

Participants can choose the CASA Guide they would like to work with from the whole array of tutorials, including the ones that were available on the first day.

LWA Data Reduction (LWA Software Library)

Participants will learn how to reduce Long Wavelength Array (LWA) data.  This will include imaging, beam forming and pulsar searching.

P-band (230-470 MHz) VLA (AIPS)

The participants will learn the extra calibration needed for reducing P-band data from the VLA.  The data used is an observation of Virgo A.

VLBA Astrometry (AIPS)

The participants will start with already reduced VLBA phase-referenced data set and will perform the geodetic-like calibration to improve the astrometry and general quality of the image.   The dataset is an observation of young star T TauSb.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.