
Images (pilot project)

10GHz images covering a single VLA primary beam in the GOODS-N field (Murphy et al. 2017).

FWHM beam size [arcsec]rms noise [μJy/beam] 
0.22 0.572 link
1.0 1.1 link
2.0 1.5 link

Images and Catalogs (large project)

We have produced two versions of the 10GHz mosaic of the GOODS-N field.  

  • Low-resolution mosaic: 1.0" resolution and 920 nJy/beam (1σ) rms noise 
  • High-resolution mosaic: 0.22" resolution and 645nJy/beam (1σ) rms noise 

Our master catalog is obtained from the low-resolution mosaic. A total of 256 radio sources are detected above the 5σ level, out of which 12 are multi-component. 

These images and catalogs are available upon request. Please contact or for more information. 

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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.