Monday 14 March
0830-0900 Coffee
0900-0905 Welcome [Chandler]
0905-0910 Logistics [Van Moorsel]
0910-0930 New VLA Capabilities [Butler]
0930-1000 Introduction to CASA [Hales]
1000-1030 Coffee
1030-1115 Data Reduction Techniques - Archive Access/Data Inspection [Sjouwerman]
1115-1215 Data Reduction Techniques - Calibration [Momjian]
1215-1345 Lunch
1345-1415 Data Reduction Techniques - Imaging/Image Analysis [Ott]
1415-1700 Data Reduction
1715-1900 Welcome Reception at Gustaaf's (map)
Tuesday 15 March
0900-0930 Beyond Tasks - CASA Tools [Myers]
0930-1000 RFI - [Rao]
1000-1030 Coffee
1030-1100 Polarization [Moellenbrock]
1100-1200 VLA Pipeline [Chandler]
1200-1330 Lunch
1330-1700 Data Reduction
Wednesday 16 March
0900-1430 VLA tour; starts and ends at Array Operations Center. Bring:
- lunch, plenty of water
- sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
- closed shoes only
1500-1700 Data Reduction
Thursday 17 March
0900-0930 Applying pipeline calibration to raw data [Medlin]
0930-1030 Advanced Imaging: Imaging in the Wide-band Wide-field era [Bhatnagar]
1030-1100 Coffee
1100-1120 CASA: Current performance and Future Plans [Kern]
1200-1330 Lunch
1330-1700 Data Reduction
Friday 18 March
0900-1200 Data reduction
1200-1330 Lunch
1330-1700 Data Reduction
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