Resources for analysis and interpretation
This webpage, edited by the NAASC, is a non-exhaustive list of available tools and codes developed in the community, which may be used to derive scientific information from ALMA and other sub-mm/radio interferometric data, including to:
- analyze images and visibilities
- produce models of line and continuum emission (radiative transfer) for different types of environments
- compare ALMA data models and derive best fits
The list is provided as a resource to the community, and NRAO and the NAASC do not endorse the use of these tools nor are responsible for their accuracy and maintenance. With the exception of NRAO-developed tools, NRAO does not provide support regarding their installation/use.
To propose other codes or tools for inclusion in this list, please contact Arielle Moullet: [amoullet]
General Purpose Tools/libraries
- astropy "common core package for Astronomy in Python"
- specutils "for representing, loading, manipulating, and analyzing astronomical spectroscopic data"
- Spectral Cube "easy way to read, manipulate, analyze, and write data cubes"
- regions "package for region handling"
- Pyspeckit "spectroscopic analysis toolkit for astronomy"
- RadioAstro "codes pertinent to the analysis of long-wavelength astronomical data in the radio, millimeter, and far-infrared regime"
- Astrophysics code source library "free online registry and repository for source codes of interest to astronomers and astrophysicists"
- CARTA "Image visualization and analysis tool designed for ALMA, VLA, and SKA pathfinders"
- glue "library to explore relationships within and between related datasets"
ALMA Archive
- ALMA archive notebooks for advanced queries
- Archivequery "telescope archive metadata search and cache tool”
- Crimson-light "visualize and slice metadata on the available archival observations of samples of astrophysical objects"
- Astroquery for ALMA "Retrieve and store metadata from multiple telescope archives"
- ALMiner "efficiently query, analyse, and visualize the ALMA Science Archive"
Analysis Tools
- ALMA data tips and tricks
- ALMA data combination (EU Arc workshop)
- UVmultiFit "fitting models directly to visibility data"
- Stacker "stack data in the uv or image domain"
- LineStacker "stacking of spectral lines"
- Spectral Cube "easy way to read, manipulate, analyze, and write data cubes"
- PV extractor "producing a position-velocity or position-frequency slice"
- Signal ID "Signal identification tools (masking and noise) for spectral line data"
- Statcont "determine the continuum emission level in line-rich spectral data"
- Interferopy "library of common tasks used in the observational radio/mm interferometry data analysis"
- ESSENCE "statistical significance of image analysis and signal detection under correlated noise in interferometric images"
- PyBDSF "decompose radio interferometry images into sources"
- Datacomb "combining radio interferometric and single dish observations"
- Pyspeckit "spectral analysis toolkit"
- Astrodendro "compute dendrograms of observed or simulated Astronomical data"
- Deep Focus, "a metalearner for image deconvolution, source detection and characterization within radio interferometric data cubes."
- Million points of light: "library built for Regularized Maximum Likelihood (RML) imaging and Bayesian Inference with datasets from interferometers"
- Jacknify : "a Python library used to create noise realizations of radio/mm interferometry data."
- IRIS: "A Bayesian approach for Image Reconstruction in Radio Interferometry"
Data Modeling
Gravitational Lensing
- 3DBarolo "tool for fitting 3D tilted-ring models to emission-line data-cubes"
- TiRiFiC "construct simulated (high-resolution) astronomical spectroscopic 3d-observations (data cubes) of simple kinematical- and morphological models of rotating (galactic) disks"
- KinMS "simulate observations of arbitrary molecular/atomic cold gas distributions"
- GalPak3D "Galaxy Parameters and Kinematics from any 3-Dimensional data"
- Radiowinds "radio emission produced by the winds around stars"
- Qubefit "model the emission from high redshift galaxies"
Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
- Cloudy "simulate conditions in interstellar matter"
- "radiative transfer programs for the modelling of line emission and dust continuum emission. The programs are geared towards the study of the interstellar medium, especially at radio wavelengths"
- XCLASS "models the data by solving the radiative transfer equation for an isothermal object in one dimension"
- Spectuner "automated spectral line identification of interstellar molecule" (based on XCLASS)
- CASSIS "interactive spectrum analyser "
- ARTIST "spectrum analyzer for young stellar objects, planet forming disks, or circumstellar shells" - includes polarization
- PDRToolBox "determine the physical parameters of photodissociation regions from observations."
- LIME "3D molecular excitation and radiation transfer code"
- Pymcfost "python interface to the 3D radiative transfer code mcfost"
- Pdspy "fit Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer models for protostellar/protoplanetary disks to ALMA"
- MADCUBA "analyze astronomical datacubes and multiple spectra from the main astronomical facilities "
- RADEX "one-dimensional non-LTE radiative transfer code" and its many python interfaces:
- DESPOTIC "Derive the Energetics and SPectra of Optically Thick Interstellar Clouds"
- Planetary spectrum generator "radiative transfer model suite for synthesizing and retrieving planetary spectra"
- McFine "complex, multi-component hyperfine spectra fitting "
Chemical networks
- UCLCHEM "gas-grain chemical code that propagates the abundances of chemical species through a network of user-defined reactions"
Dust and surfaces
- Planetary spectrum generator "radiative transfer model suite for synthesizing and retrieving planetary spectra"
- "radiative transfer programs for the modelling of line emission and dust continuum emission. The programs are geared towards the study of the interstellar medium, especially at radio wavelengths"
- DUSTY "modeling "radiation which is scattered, absorbed and reemitted by the dust"
- DiscJockey "derives dynamical masses for T Tauri stars using the Keplerian motion"
- R-vis "method and the associated code for rapid radial profile modelling of interferometric visibilities" (for debris discs for exmaple)
- MAGIX model optimizer "automatic minimizations to constrain model parameters and provide error estimates"
- Solar System fluxes from SMA website, using CASA planetary models
- Pylanetary "data processing and modeling tools for ring, moon, and planet observations"
- auto_selfcal "Automated science target self-calibration for ALMA and VLA data, basis for pipeline automated self-calibration"
Lab data
- Optical constants (Ames)
- Optical Constants (Goddard)
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