ALMA Development- A Science Sustainability Program: Studies Call Coordination Meeting

North-American Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)

Development: A Science Sustainability Program

Coordination Meeting

 Cycle 8 Studies Call for Proposals
January 16, 2020
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT (17:00 – 18:00 UTC)
Room 230, NRAO, 520 Edgemont Road

Join Via Polycom Video For the Meeting:
Click here to join meeting:

*You will need to download an applet to allow Polycom to run on your computer

OR Audio Only

Dial 434-817-6468, then 226516#

Ground Rules

In order to allow all participants to be able to view and hear the presentation, and to ask questions and hear responses, the North American ALMA Science Sustainability Cycle 8 Call for Studies Proposals Coordination Meeting will also host remote participants by means of a simultaneous video/teleconference (connection information above).

During the presentation portion of the meeting, participants' phones will be muted to reduce extraneous noise.


Should participants have questions about any portion of the presentation, please send an email message, including your question, to the moderator (Stephen Leff):

  • At appropriate intervals, the moderator will invite participants, one by one, to allow the questions to be asked.
  • All questions and answers will be posted, as soon as possible following the meeting, to the FAQ.

Stephen's email address:

Meeting Presentations:

  1. Call Mechanics (S. Leff)
  2. ALMA Development NA (A. Wootten)
  3. The ALMA Development Program: Roadmap to 2030

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    The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.