Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - ALMA Development: A Science Sustainability Program - Cycle 8 Call for Study Proposals

North American ALMA Development Program - Cycle 8 Call for Study Proposals Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  What is the difference between a Study and a Project?

A.  A Study does not create something that will necessarily be implemented for ALMA - it may flesh out a concept, or perhaps result in a prototype. Studies may lead to projects when the concept has matured to a higher state of technical readiness.

Q.  Are "Strategic Studies" being funded this Cycle?

A. No; Strategic Studies, up to 2 years and 400,000 dollars, were funded in the Cycle 5 Call for Proposals and are not being offered in Cycle 8.

Q. Do Appendices Reference Documents and Curriculum Vitae of Key Personnel in the Study Proposal Template count against the 20 page limit for the proposal?

A. No; Reference Documents and CVs are not included in the page count.

Q. A group of collaborators and I would like to submit a Study Proposal, but did not submit a Notice of Intent (NOI).  May we still submit a proposal? 

A.  Yes; Proposals submitted without a Notice of Intent will be accepted up to the Deadline (closing date) of the Call.  However, submitting a Notice of Intent will ensure that Proposers are included in the mailing list for replies to Proposer's questions and other correspondence related to the Call for Proposals. 

Q. Are Notices of Intent binding?

A. No; Notices of Intent are non-binding.

Q.  How should the Study Proposal package be prepared and submitted?

A.  Study Proposals shall be composed of a single document, formatted in accordance with the Study Proposal Template. Be certain that your Proposal includes signatures.

Q. What is the final submission deadline for proposals?

A.  Study Proposals received by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time Zone, May 1st, 2020, will be accepted.

Q. Must the Principal Investigator be an astronomer?

A. No; the PI need not be an astronomer (nor do co-Investigators).

Q.  When can I expect to hear about proposal decisions?

A.  Cycle 8 Studies Proposers can expect a final notification by 14 August 2020. 

Q. Can the study completion date be extended beyond one year if the proposed study needs more time to complete?

A.  Studies may be granted a no-cost extension providing reasonable justification is provided, but this is in no way guaranteed. 

Q. I am not a member of the NA ALMA Partnership or the NA radio astronomy community.  How can I participate in this Call for Study Proposals?

A. If you intend to propose a joint study (involving a NA ALMA Partner and/or NA radio astronomy community member and ESO, for example), the NA ALMA Partner (or NA radio astronomy community member) must write and submit the NA ALMA-funded portion of the proposed project. No NA funding can go to entities outside the NA ALMA Operations Partnership.

Q. What about intellectual property rights?  How will information provided in the Proposal be protected?

A. The Proposer retains intellectual property rights to their Proposal content. The Proposer may wish to execute a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the NRAO to protect Proposal content. IP rights to the Project results are subject to the terms and conditions of the Subrecipient Agreement.

Q.  In the proposal, what is the level of detail required for the status of current and prior Studies that received any related support within the past five years?

A. Note the Study title, the level of support received, and the current status of the Study.  A summary paragraph is sufficient.

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.