Practical Information For Astronomers


Proposing on the GBTObservingHelpdeskSchedules

Single Dish Radio Astronomy Basics

Data Reduction and Archive Financial Support Scientific Visitor Info Observer Alerts!


Proposing on the GBT

    • Call For Proposals for all NRAO telescopes
    • General Proposal Information describes the proposal evaluation and time allocation process.  Starting February 2011, the NRAO's  uses an Observatory-wide panel system that is no longer telescope based, that depends on community members for scientific evaluation, and the NRAO staff for technical reviews only.
    • Practical GBT Information and Proposer's Guide updated prior to each proposal deadline, provides essential information for the preparation of proposals, including a detailed description of the submission process, instrument status, observing modes, and staff contacts.
    • Proposal Submission Tool for the GBT, EVLA, and VLBA telescopes.



      • Observing with the GBT (PDF) provides detailed information for executing observations with the GBT.
      • Observing Policies and Practices for observing with the GBT.
      • Remote Observing, describes the requirements and procedures for Remote Observing with the GBT.
      • VLBI with the GBT provides information for VLBI observations using the GBT.
      • Observer Comments, gives observers a way to provide feedback to the NRAO about recent observing.
      • Observing Statistics provides monthly GBT observing statistics from 2001 to 2009.



        • The NRAO help desk is available online



            • GBT Schedule shows the current GBT schedule, with links to historical schedules.
            • Dynamic Scheduling System description.
            • Weather Forecast, as supplied by the national weather service.
            • DSS Weather Forecast presents the suitability of expected near-term weather conditions for high-frequency observing.
            • On Duty Support Schedule shows the local staff scientists who are on call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to support the current observations, including observing start up and trouble shooting. The on-duty scientist is usually different from the proposal's assigned Friend/Contact.


        Data Reduction and Archive:


          Financial Support:

            • Student Support Program for research by graduates and undergraduates at U.S. universities and colleges.
            • Travel Support may be requested for one U.S. investigator to travel to the NRAO to observe, and for one U.S. investigator to travel to the NRAO to reduce data from NRAO telescopes.
            • Preprint and Page charges for authors at U.S. scientific or educational institutions who use NRAO instruments.


            Scientific Visitor Information:


            Observer Alerts!

              Connect with NRAO

              The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.