Weekend activities
Scheduled Events
Friday evening February 24, 1930: Performance by the Cathy Ryan band in the Macey Center (#16 on the Campus Map). This concert is part of the New Mexico Tech Performing Art Series. You can purchase tickets at the door, special half-price rate ($8) for workshop participants (just mention your name and they'll check it against a list we provided).
Saturday February 25, 1000: VLA tour. Bus will be at front entrance at 0945. Sign-up sheet in Auditorium, maximum number of participants: 18. Bring your own lunch; wear closed shoes; bring sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, and water. As for clothing, remember the site elevation is 2,500 ft (760m) higher than Socorro and temperatures will be on average 12F (7C) lower.
Sunday February 26, 1300-1700: Auditorium open for work on own data, with very limited local support.
Other suggestions:
If you have your own transportation, consider visiting the Bosque del Apache, about 20 miles South of town. The wetlands attract lots of birds, especially around sunrise and sunset. There is a several miles long loop drive with viewpoints from where you'll be able to spot cranes, geese, and the occasional bald eagle. If you prefer to hike we recommend the 2.2 mile Canyon Trail. Its trailhead is about one mile South of the entrance to the Bosque, on the East side of the road..
Going out
In the area around Socorro Plaza there are the Capitol Bar and the Old Town Bistro. The former often has a band on weekends but can be rowdy at times. The latter is quieter, offers decent food, and sometimes has live music as well. Further North on California St. Socorro Springs, which features its own beers, specializes in Southwestern inspired pizzas, and has a nice bar area.
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