
Wednesday 22 February

0800-0815 Coffee

0815-0820 Welcome [Chandler]

0820-0830 Introduction [van Moorsel]

0830-0900 EVLA OSRO/RSRO Capabilities & Operations [Shepherd]

Discussion of current capabilities; this will cover details of the hardware and software (e.g., correlator system to understand band edges and corresponding noise consequences, data rate realities, and averaging options). This will also cover the current restrictions (dummy scans, slew rates, time on source, etc) and scheduling realities (30 minute granularity, the dynamic scheduling system algorithms and operations).

0900-1000 Observing Preparation Guide [Sjouwerman]

Discussion/walk-through of the observing preparation stage: building your instrument configuration, building your source catalog, developing your observing sequence.

1000-1030 Introduction to CASA [Ott]

Review of task interface, parameter expansion, saving and restoring, in-line help; discussion of data structures, data selection, visualization, customization of the CASA environment.

1030-1045 Break

1045-1145 Data Reduction Techniques [Momjian]

Sketch general data reduction process, review additional low and high frequency concerns and complications. Focus on getting through narrow-field imaging. Cover current expectations for noise/dynamic range (and when they break down).

1145-1300 Lunch

1300-1400 Data Reduction Techniques [Momjian] - continued

1400-1700 Hands-on session with EVLA staff

Choose initial data set to work through; load the data and review the observations.

1715-1900 Welcome reception at 1312 North Drive

Thursday 23 February

0800-0830 Introduction to CASA Scripting [Marvil]

Composing and executing simple CASA scripts; combining Python elements with CASA tasks and tools.

0830-0845 General issues/logistics

0845-1200 Hands-on session with EVLA staff

1200-1330 Lunch

1330-1700 Hands-on session with EVLA staff

Friday 24 February

0830-0845 General issues/logistics

0845-0915 AIPS [Greisen]

Discussion of additional reduction resources unique to AIPS.

0915-1015 Wide-band, Wide-field Imaging (instrument-domain) [Bhatnagar]

Discussion of algorithm development to enhance imaging capabilities for wide-band, wide-field cases.

1015-1030 Break

1030-1130 Wide-band wide-field imaging (sky-domain) + RFI identification and flagging [Rao]

Discussion of algorithm development to enhance wide-band wide-field imaging capabilities (sky-domain corrections). Brief summary of RFI at the EVLA and some removal techniques.

1130-1200 EVLA Pipeline [Butler]

Discussion of EVLA pipeline plans and products.

1200-1330 Lunch

1330-1400 CASA: current performance and future plans [Kern]

Discussion of hardware impact on CASA performance, current guidelines, and the status of parallelization.

1400-1600 Hands-on session with EVLA staff

1600-1700 Group meeting to review issues; feedback

Saturday 25 February

1000-1500 VLA tour.  Starts and ends at Array Operations Center

Sign-up on Wednesday.  Bring:

    • lunch, plenty of water
    • sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
    • closed shoes only


Part 2

Account assignments for part 2

Monday 27 February

0830-1700 Data reduction


Tuesday 28 February

0830-1700 Data reduction


Wednesday 29 February

0830-1700 Data Reduction


Thursday 1 March

0830-1700 Data Reduction

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.