Science > Meetings > 2014 > Filamentary Structure in Molecular Clouds

Filamentary Structure in Molecular Clouds

Filamentary Structure in Molecular Clouds

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Scientific Goals: Filamentary structure (FS) in clouds has been observed dating back many years. In addition, numerical hydrodynamic and MHD simulations of clouds over the past ~15 years have consistently shown that filamentary structure is always present, and may be produced both by turbulence and by the action of self-gravity. Notably, recent Herschel observations of nearby dust clouds have highlighted that the dense gas is distributed predominantly in filaments. It has been suggested that such filamentary structure may be ubiquitous in the internal structure of all molecular clouds and may be preferential formation sites of dense cores that eventually collapse to form stars.

If such filamentary structures were universal in all molecular clouds of low mass and high mass star formation, then the whole paradigm of cloud formation and evolution leading to star formation would be placed on a framework that centers on cloud condensation into filaments and filament fragmentation into cores. Filaments and embedded cores may also develop simultaneously, as has been suggested by some numerical simulations. It will be important for observational studies of star formation in molecular clouds to delineate the conditions (including magnetic fields) and time sequence of the formation and evolution of dense filaments and cores within them.

The workshop aims to bring together experts, postdoctoral fellows and students, to discuss the current evidence of such a picture and to formulate future projects on ALMA and other facilities (e.g. CARMA, SMA, SMT, GBT, Jansky VLA, JCMT, LMT, etc. and future facilities such as CCAT) and theoretical investigations to verify whether such filamentary structure is universal in molecular clouds in different environments and to study the physical conditions (including magnetic fields) and evolution of such structures.

Format: The workshop aims to stimulate discussions of outstanding issues and future studies. There will be a few short review talks (30min including 5min for Q&A) to set the stage, but contributed papers are encouraged. The SOC will select some for contributed talks (10min + 5min Q&A) and others as posters that will stay up throughout the 2-day meeting. Ample time will be set aside for panel/audience discussions, as well as for coffee breaks and lunches to allow viewing and discussion of posters.

Workshop Dates and Deadlines:

Preregistration Opens - June 19, 2014

Call for Abstract Titles - June 19, 2014

Registration Opens - July 18, 2014

Abstracts Due - August 22, 2014

Final Scientific Program - September 22, 2014

Hotel Reservation Deadline Sept 9 (Red Roof), Sept 18 (Marriott)

Workshop - October 10-11, 2014