Invited Speakers

Invited Speakers


Alison Coil (UC San Diego) Detecting Inflowing Gas in Mg II and Fe II at Intermediate Redshift
Andrew Fox (STScI) Observational Evidence for Gas Accretion onto the Milky Way
Sheila Kannappan (UNC) Evidence of Cosmic Accretion in the RESOLVE Survey
Juna Kollmeier (Carnegie Observatories) Tracing Cosmic Accretion: A Theoretical Perspective
Andrey Kravtsov (Chicago) Simulating Effects of Winds on the Evolution Galaxies and Circumgalactic Medium: Current Status and Challenges
Jay Lockman (NRAO) Neutral Gas Outside Galaxy Disks in the Local Group
Christopher Martin (Caltech)
Michael Rauch (Carnegie) Detecting Galactic Accretion at High Redshift in Lyman Alpha Emission
Michael Shull (Colorado) Physical Processes Affecting Gas Accretion onto Galaxies
Jacqueline Van Gorkum (Columbia University)
Observational evidence for accretion from HI imaging
Reinout Van Weeren (CfA) Merging Galaxy Clusters
Mark Voit (MSU) Waterfalls or Rain: How Does Gas Get Into Galaxies?
Jessica Werk, (UCSC) What Observations of Circumgalactic Gas Tell Us About Accretion
Martin Zwaan (ESO)

First Detections of the CH+ Line in High Redshift Galaxies : a Direct Probe of Turbulent Dissipation

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.