Speaker Instructions

Presentation Guidelines

We have arranged for a poster/talk hosting site with the Center for Open Science. The service is simple to use and allows us to quickly download and stage your presentation at the workshop.

In order to keep the talks flowing smoothly, please:

  • upload your presentation to COS as soon as possible, and no later than 2 hours before your presentation.
  • click on "Add your posters or talks" on the top left of the screen
  • IMPORTANT: Use this naming convention for your file: LastName_title of talk
  • Please also have a copy of your talk ready on a thumb drive, in case of technology failure.

Note: This hosting site is open to the public (content may be found via search engine), but is not publicized beyond this workshop. If any content should NOT be publicly available, please let Lyndele know so that alternate arrangements can be made). This service also allows for a permanent archive, and gives presenters a direct link to give to colleagues, should you wish to share your presentation.

  • The projector resolution is 1024x768.

Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.