Participants List

Name    Affiliation
Ron Allen       STScI
Trisha Ashley   Bay Area Environmental Research Institute and NASA Ames
Fuyan Bian      Australian National University
Sanchayeeta Borthakur   Johns Hopkins University
Chris Carilli   NRAO
Hsiao-Wen Chen  The University of Chicago
Alison Coil     UCSD
Kevin Cooke     Rochester Institute of Technology
Nicolas Cornuault       Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
Morgane Cousin  CNRS LAM
Ryan Cybulski   University of Massachusetts
Megan Donahue   Michigan State University
Jennifer Donovan Meyer  NRAO
Bjorn Emonts    Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA)
Philip Engelke  Johns Hopkins University
Maximus Enwere  University of Sussex
Duncan Farrah   Virginia Tech
Ximena Fernandez        Rutgers
Hayley Finley   Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie (IRAP)
Andrew Fox      STScI
Itzhak Goldman  Afeka College Tel Aviv
Sunil Golwala   Caltech
Zachary Hafen   Northwestern University
Sara Heap       NASA's GSFC
Timothy Heckman         Johns Hopkins University
John Hibbard    NRAO
Stephanie Ho    University of California, Santa Barbara
Sean Johnson    The University of Chicago
Sheila Kannappan        University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Jeffrey Kenney  Yale University
Juna Kollmeier  Carnegie Observatories
Andrey Kravtsov         The University of Chicago
Devaky Kunneriath       NRAO/Astronomical Institute (Prague)
Nicolas Lehner          University of Notre Dame
Daniel Lenz     Argelander-Institute for Astronomy
(Cameron) Jia Liang     University of Chicago
(Fred) Kwok Yung Lo     NRAO
Felix Lockman   NRAO
Danielle Lucero         NRAO
Christopher Martin      Caltech
Brian McNamara  University of Waterloo
Jacqueline Monkiewicz   Arizona State University
Sara Petty      Virginia Tech
Nickolas Pingel         West Virginia University
Kate Pitchford  Virginia Tech
Michael Rauch   Carnegie Observatories
Nora Rawn       Springer Publishing
Michael Shull   University of Colorado Boulder
Hideki Tanimura         University of British Columbia
Sravani Vaddi   Rochester Institute of Technology
Jacqueline van Gorkom   Columbia University
Reinout van Weeren      Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Gerard Voit     Michigan State University
Fabian Walter   MPIA Heidelberg
Zhong Wang      CfA/CASSACA
Jessica Werk    University of California
Spencer Wolfe   West Virginia University
Al Wootten      NRAO
Yujin Yang      Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Yong Zheng      Columbia University
Guangtun Zhu    :Johns Hopkins University
Jose Manue Zorrilla Matilla     Columbia University
Martin Zwaan    ESO

Total number of participants:   63

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.