Science > Meetings > 2015 > Observations of Gas Accretion onto Galaxies > Selected Poster Presentations

Selected Poster Presentations

If your poster has been selected for presentation at the workshop, please note that we have created an archive at Should you choose to publicly share PDF or PPT versions of your poster, you may submit your poster to OSF at any time before, during or after the workshop. This does not replace the abstract submission process; it is merely a supplementary way to share your presentation with workshop participants, and the broader scientific community.

To submit your poster to Open Science Framwork:

Send an email to from the email account you would like used on the OSF.

The format of the email should be as follows:

LastName_Presentation title
Message body
Poster abstract (if any)
Your presentation file (e.g., PowerPoint, PDF, etc.)

For Poster presentations at the workshop

All accepted poster presentations should be no larger than 4'x3' and vertical in orientation. They should be printed before you arrive, since printing in town may be time-consuming and expensive. T-pins will be provided for hanging. The poster room will be open during registration Friday morning and throughout the Friday and Saturday meeting.

Poster Orientation