

Monday 7 October

0830-0900 Coffee
0900-0905 Welcome [Frail]
0905-0910 Logistics [Momjian, Medlin]
0910-0940 Introduction to CASA [Ott]
0940-1030 Archive Access/Data Inspection [Sjouwerman]

1030-1050 Coffee

1050-1120 Archive Access/Data Inspection - continued [Sjouwerman]
1120-1200 Standard Calibration [Kimball]

1200-1330 Lunch

1330-1430 Standard Calibration continued  [Kimball]

1430-1500 Coffee

1500-1600 Polarization Calibration [Schinzel]
1600-1700 RFI [Kapinska]

1715-1900 Welcome Reception (map)


Tuesday 8 October

0900-1000 Imaging Fundamentals [Rau]
1000-1045 Imaging in Practice [Jagannathan]

1045-1115 Group Photo & Coffee

[click to enlarge]

1115-1230 Imaging in Practice - continued [Jagannathan]

1230-1400 Lunch

1400-1500 Advanced CASA [Marvil]

1500-1530 Coffee

1530-1630 VLA Pipeline [Chandler]
1630-1700 Applying pipeline calibration to raw data [Medlin]

Wednesday 9 October

0900-1430 VLA tour; starts and ends at The Domenici Science Operations Center (DSOC). Bring:
-lunch, plenty of water
-sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
-closed shoes only

1500-1700 Data Reduction

Thursday 10 October

0900-1200 Data Reduction

1200-1330 Lunch

1330-1700 Data Reduction

Friday 11 October

0900-1200 Data Reduction

1200-1330 Lunch

1330-1700 Data Reduction

Monday through Friday, 14 - 18 October

0900-1200 Data Reduction

1200-1330 Lunch

1330-1700 Data Reduction


Connect with NRAO

The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.