Science > Meetings > NRAO Community Day Event 2012 > NRAO Community Day Event 2012

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Green Bank, WV, 3-4 April 2012

NRAO will host a NRAO Community Day Event after the Tully Fisher Meeting in Green Bank in the afternoon of 03 April and the morning of 04 April.   Contact David Frayer ( if you would like to attend.

In the afternoon of 03 April, NRAO staff will discuss the capabilities of the NRAO facilities (the GBT, Jansky VLA, VLBA, and ALMA) and the proposal preparation tools.  The morning of 04 April will be dedicated to hands-on sessions on data processing (CASA) and observation preparation.


  • Participants interested in ALMA are encouraged to register at the ALMA science portal
  • Participants interested in CASA should have the current release of CASA (3.3.0) on your laptop.; if not, please download and install it.
  • Example ALMA data for CASA demo: N3256 ALMA data
  • N3256 CASA Reduction Guide


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