Notes on print book, .pdf, and EPUB

Additions to p. 606 and Dramatis Personae.

On page 606 of the Springer .pdf of the full book, please note that just before "Summary of Radio Cosmology", this sentence should be added:  In NRAO ONLINE.35, there are a number of photographs from the 1958 Paris Symposium of Radio Astronomy, the Moscow IAU and a trip to the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. Pawsey was accompanied by Professor Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin of Harvard on the trip to the Crimea and additional sites in the southern USSR.

Also, in the Dramatis Personae in the back matter, the entry for Madsen should read: Madsen, Sir John P. V. (1879-1969), Australian, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Sydney (1920-1948). Moved from Adelaide in 1909, where he had worked with Sir William H. Bragg (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1915). First and only professor of electrical engineering in Australia (1920-1947). Founded the Radio Research Board (CSIR) in 1927 and played a major role in the establishment of the CSIR Division of Radiophysics as World War II began, creating the major development laboratory for Australian radar research. Madsen was the first chairman of the Radiophysics Advisory Board in 1939-1941. He continued to influence radar research in Australia until 1945.

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