
Visiting UNAM Campus Morelia

The location of the UNAM Campus is shown on this map:

To locate the CRyA within the Campus, please turn right after the main entrance and you will find a yellow building that hosts the CRyA and the Centro de Ciencias Matematicas (CCM).

The Google map is shown here.

Note that we will use the main auditorium of CRyA for this event, which is near the entrance to the building. Signs will be placed to guide you.



People visiting UNAM Campus Morelia usually stay either downtown (close to the Cathedral), or around the 'Camelinas' avenue, although there are more lodging options.  The first has the advantage of being central, with easy access to restaurants and shops, the second is more accessible to the campus.

Some suggestions for downtown hotels are:

Or in Camelinas:

Please contact Roberto Galván for further information.


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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.