
Name Affiliation
Rosa Becerra IA-UNAM
yann Boehler CRyA
Vianey Camacho CRyA
Carlos Carrasco Gonzalez Centro de Radioastronomia y Astrofisica
Anand Crossley NRAO
Salvador Curiel Instituto de Astronomia
Lokesh Dewangan INAOE, Tonatzintla, Mexico
Diana Estrella IA-UNAM
Jacopo Fritz CRyA
Roberto Galvan-Madrid CRyA-UNAM
Omaira Gonzalez Martin CRyA
Antonio Hernandez CRyA-UNAM
Vicente Hernandez-Hernandez CRyA, UNAM
Stan Kurtz CRyA, UNAM
Jesús Alejandro López Vázquez Centro de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica
Laurent Loinard CRyA-UNAM
Robert Loughnane CRyA-UNAM
Alba M. Lumbrera Delgado CRyA
Josep Maria Masqué Saumell CRyA
Karina Mauco CRYA
Raul Naranjo Romero CRyA-UNAM
Teresa Orozco INAOE
Gisela Ortiz León CRyA
Aina Palau CRyA-UNAM
Gerardo Pech CRyA
Alison Peck NRAO
Andres Felipe Perez Sanchez CryA, UNAM
Akash Pirya CRyA
Devaraj Rangaswamy INAOE, Puebla, Mexico
Pedro Ruben Rivera Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM
Juana Leticia Rivera-Ramirez CRyA
Carlos A. Rodríguez-Rico DA, UG
Luis Rodriguez CRyA, UNAM
Isabel T Rodriguez Rodriguez Esnard CRyA
Carolina Berenice Rodriguez Garza CRyA-UNAM
Anibal Sierra Morales CRyA
carlos tapia crya-unam
Alejandro Tarango CRyA-UNAM
Manuel Zamora CRyA-UNAM
Luis Zapata CRyA

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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.