
9:00-9:05       Workshop welcome and logistics (slides on set-up)
9:05-10:05      Lecture: Radio Interferometric Basics (slides) & An Introduction to Imaging in CASA (slides)
10:05-10:30     Test CASA/CASA troubleshooting/break
10:30-12:00     Interactive Tutorial: Imaging Continuum and Line Data (slides)
12:00-13:00     Lunch (provided by NRAO)
13:00-13:20     Other Imaging Techniques (slides)
13:20-13:45     Science Ready Data Products (slides)
13:45-14:00     Break
14:00-15:00     Demo of and Introduction to CARTA - the next generation image visualization and analysis tool designed for ALMA, VLA, and SKA pathfinders. (slides 1, 2)
15:00-15:10     Break
15:10-16:10     Lecture: ALMA pipeline and pipeline weblog + Interactive Demo of weblog (slides 1, 2)
16:10-16:25     Exit Survey, Q/A
16:30   Adjourn

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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.