Facilities > GBT > Colloquia & Talks > Abstracts > 2013 > Solar System Studies with ALMA and the VLA

Solar System Studies with ALMA and the VLA


ALMA and the VLA are both fantastic instruments for studying solar system bodies. With the wide range of frequencies accessible to the two instruments, an incredible diversity of physical phenomena can be sampled, yielding information about the observed bodies. From Near Earth Asteroids to icy satellites to the gas giants, every size and type of solar system body can be observed with the two telescopes, with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity. I will describe results already obtained with the VLA from observations of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and some larger Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), with ALMA for some larger TNOs, the and planned and possible observations of TNOs, Pluto and Charon, Venus, and other bodies with both telescopes.