Colloq Abstract - Steeb

May 17, 2019

11:00am Mountain

Jan-Willem Steeb (NRAO)


Localization and Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference for Interferometric Arrays



The ideal solution to RFI that is detected by a radio telescope is to locate its source and then have it removed. Removal of the source is usually only possible if it is occurring in a protected band or the radio telescope is in a radio quiet zone. Unfortunately, most of the radio spectrum has been allocated to active communication services and not all radio telescopes are in radio quiet zones. The alternative is to mitigate its effect using methods such as spatial RFI mitigation. In this colloquium I will discuss the following:  a source localization algorithm that takes into account the constraints and advantages of the arrays used for radio astronomy and adapting existing spatial RFI mitigation techniques to take into account the bandwidth of the RFI signals.




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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.