Colloq Abstract -Batie

June 20, 2019

11:00am Mountain

Grey Batie (Berkeley)


Methods for Process Monitoring to Accurately Detect and Quantify Material Holdup in Advanced Recycle Facilities


Different stages of the nuclear fuel cycle require different safeguards based on the nuclear material present and its form. For example, in most nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities, nuclear material is handed in bulk form, meaning the material is in a form that is not individually identifiable for accounting purposes (i.e. liquid, gas or powder). It is in these facilities where distinct techniques are vital to the prevention of both inadvertent or deliberate material leaks, or hold-up.

This presentation will explore research conducted at UC Berkeley to develop unique methods to enable the detection of inadvertent or deliberate holdup of special nuclear material within these types of nuclear reprocessing facilities, to ensure the peaceful use of nuclear technology.






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