NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series
Leonid Matveyenko
Institute for Space Research, Moscow
Multi-Face Unity
We study the fine structure of different “multi-face” astronomical objects: galaxies with active nuclei and star formation regions, objects of different nature. Maser emission opened 3D-structure and kinematics of the objects. It was shown that they have identical structure: rigid body rotated disc and bipolar outflow that corresponds to a whirlwind. The water-spout * was observed in Laspy bay. The water-air mixture is falling to a disk; going along helix trajectory to a center, and ejects outflow which carries away the angular momentum as it accumulates. The interaction of the outflow with surrounding matter is collimated and exponentially accelerated structure. The structure of the active region in the Orion KL is: the rigid body rotated disk ø=27 AU and high collimated bipolar outflow. Rotation period of disk is 170 yrs. Rotation velocity of an outer part of the disk is v ~1 km/s, and mass of the central body M<0.01Msun in the Keplerian approximation. The surrounding matter accretes to disk moved along helix arms to the center; and the bipolar outflow is ejecting. A gravity field of a massive center object is an accelerated and stabilized system. Ejection velocity ~5 km/s is accelerating until 40 km/s at distance ~1 AU. The similar structures and kinematics have AGN objects: NGC 4258, 1803+784, M 87, and 3C 345 at high frequencies. The surrounding thermal plasma accretes onto the disk, flows to the center along arms, and ejects a rotating bipolar outflow that carries away the excess angular momentum as it accumulates. The remnant falls onto the forming central body – black hole. The temperature of the thermal plasma increases until T~1012 K. The bipolar outflow consists of a high-velocity central jet surrounded by low-velocity flows - the rotating hollow tubes. The nozzle of the low velocity outflow is ~ 2 pc. The ejection velocity of the high-velocity flow is v < 0.03c. The jet knots are accelerates to an apparent velocity v~ 8c at a distance ~1 pc. At the low frequencies visible velocity increased until ~ 20c. The circular currents are generated into rotated plasma flow. The currents are integrating into rings forming solenoid, magnetic field of which is parallel to jet. The bipolar outflow – jet and counter-jet are ejected coaxially but in opposite directions - along and opposite the magnetic field of the structure. As a result, the jet is accelerating, while the counter-jet - decelerating. This maintains “afterglow” of the jet relativistic electrons at large distances. Conclusion: The tornado, star formation regions, AGN are different objects (multi-face), but structure and kinematics is the similar (unity): rigid body rotating disc and high collimated bipolar outflow. The gravity field of the central body and magnetic field are an accelerated and stabilized system.
April 29, 2014
Array Operations Center Auditorium
All NRAO employees are invited to attend via video, available in Charlottesville 245, Green Bank Auditorium, Tucson N525, and NTC 400.
Local Host: Leonia Kogan
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