
NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series

 Chat Hull


From protoplanetary disks to galaxy clusters: studying the role of magnetic fields in star formation across ~10 orders of magnitude



Magnetic fields play a role in the star formation process across vastly differing spatial scales, from protoplanetary disks to protostellar cores to molecular clouds to galaxies and beyond.  I'll review my past work with CARMA on polarization in protostellar envelopes, and will discuss new work involving magnetized star-forming filaments; ALMA observations of protostars in Serpens; and VLA observations of the Perseus cluster, where, with the help of NRAO imaging and reduction gurus, we are on a quest to detect synchrotron emission from the famous H-alpha filaments surrounding NGC 1275.  I'll wrap up by discussing my role in the calibration of the ALMA polarization system, which is one of the main components of the ALMA EOC (Extension of Capabilities) effort.

February 13, 2015

11:00 am

Array Operations Center Auditorium

All NRAO employees are invited to attend via video, available in Charlottesville Auditorium, Green Bank Auditorium, and VLA Video Conference Room.

Local Host: Betsy Mills

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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.