Colloq Abstract -McGuire

Sep 15

11:00am Mountain


Brett McGuire (NRAO-CV)


Interstellar PAHs: A Combined Laboratory, Radio Astronomical and Modeling Study



The Unidentified Infrared Bands, the low-frequency analog to the Diffuse Interstellar Bands, are now widely believed to originate from the emission of large, aromatic molecules in high-energy environments.  Despite this, no individual species has been identified as a carrier, and indeed the only five- or six-membered aromatic ring molecule reported in the ISM is a single-line detection of benzene.  Here, I will discuss a dedicated laboratory, observational (GBT), and modeling effort which has resulted in the first definitive identification and quantification of a benzene-ring containing aromatic molecule.  The results will shed light on the probably formation pathways for larger aromatic species, and have identified a successful methodology for future, comprehensive investigations.