Colloq Abstract - Thomas Franzen
April 6
2pm Mountain
Thomas Franzen (Curtin/ICRAR)
Using MWA GLEAM to unravel the nature of the low-frequency radio source population
Wide-field radio continuum surveys are important for understanding populations of extragalactic sources and their cosmic evolution. Low-frequency surveys are particularly sensitive to sources with steep synchrotron spectra. They are unbiased by relativistic beaming effects and favour old emission originating from the extended lobes of radio galaxies rather than emission from the core. They therefore give a complementary view to ~GHz surveys.
I will present the details of the GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky Murchison Widefield Array (GLEAM) survey, a new survey of the entire sky south of Dec +30 deg at 72-231 MHz conducted with the Murchison Widefield Array, the SKA-Low precursor located in Western Australia. I will provide precise limits on classical and sidelobe confusion in GLEAM images which will assist in the interpretation of GLEAM data and in the design of future low-frequency surveys. I will highlight some early science results from the GLEAM extragalactic catalogue. Finally, I will discuss how newly available survey data covering a wide range of radio frequencies can be used to advance of our knowledge of episodic jet activity in radio galaxies.
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