Colloq Abstract - Lacy

September 28, 2018

11:00am Mountain

Mark Lacy (NRAO)


AGN feedback- new approaches from radio/mm-wave observations




Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) as a way of influencing the formation process of massive galaxies is an idea that is now about 20 years old. However, despite much effort in the intervening years, observational evidence for AGN feedback is still ambiguous. While there is no doubt that powerful AGN can have a strong influence on the interstellar medium of their host galaxies in the short term, the mechanism by which this results in suppressed star formation in the host on timescales longer than the ~10Myr lifetime of a typical AGN is very unclear. In this talk, I will give a summary of the state of the field, and discuss two ALMA observations that shed light on AGN feedback processes in very different ways. Radio/mm observations will have key role to play in future studies of AGN feedback, and I will conclude by discussing opportunities for understanding feedback using data from the VLA Sky Survey and ngVLA.