Colloq Abstract - Anderson

June 17

11:00am Mountain

Craig Anderson (NRAO)


A portrait of POSSUM as a young radio survey



The Polarisation Sky Survey of the Universe's Magnetism (POSSUM) is an upcoming large-area, ~GHz-frequency survey of Faraday rotation and polarization to run on the ASKAP survey radio telescope.

Recently, alongside all other surveys slated to run on ASKAP, POSSUM underwent a comprehensive final review to vie for time during the first 5 years of ASKAP operations. POSSUM was successful, and events are now moving rapidly towards full survey operations: The survey design is being finalised, early science data have been published, data from the POSSUM Pilot Surveys are being analysed and released to the public, the survey description paper is in preparation, and the POSSUM community has begun 'science support weeks' to support scientists' use of POSSUM data.  


In this talk, I will describe the background and scientific motivation for POSSUM, the almost-final survey design, present early science results from myself and other POSSUMs, and discuss linkages with related large-area surveys such as VLASS.