Colloquium Abstract - Norris - 2024Feb16
February 16, 2024
11:00am Mountain
Ryan Norris (NMTech)
A high resolution view of the lives of evolved stars with optical interferometry
With optical interferometry, we can study stars with an angular resolution exceeding what is possible with current single aperture optical telescopes. In this talk, I will discuss ongoing work to use high resolution imaging from optical interferometry to study two classes of objects: Red supergiants (RSGs) and symbiotic stars. I'll highlight the results of a multi-year imaging study of RSGs. I'll also discuss current work on a survey of symbiotic stars which seeks to better understand the mechanism of mass exchange in these systems. And, I'll show how the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer will impact studies of these objects in the future.
Local Host: Lorant Sjouwerman
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