Colloquium Abstract - Ortiz - 2025Apr04
April 4, 2025
11:00am Mountain
Gisela Ortiz (INAOE)
Exoplanet hunting with the radio astrometry technique
Astrometry is the oldest method used to search for extrasolar planets. This technique provides key information about a planetary system, like the true mass of planets and its three-dimensional orbital architecture, providing an excellent complement to other methods to detect exoplanets. Thanks to the astrometric precision of tens of micro-arseconds provided by Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), searched for extrasolar planets can be carried out with the radio astrometry technique around nearby M-dwarfs and ultracool dwarfs. In this talk, I will present our latest work on radio astrometric searches for substellar objects (including planets) in nearby low-mass stars and young stars. I will discuss current challenges of this technique and two discoveries made by our team. Then, I will discuss how astrometric studies with next-generation instruments could provide valuable insights into planet formation and into the effects of stellar companions on dynamical evolution..
Local Host: Jay Blanchard
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