Colloquium Abstract - Sjouwerman - 2025Jan31
January 31, 2025
11:00am Mountain
Lorant Sjouwerman (NRAO)
The Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution Survey (BAaDE)
The Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamic Evolution (BAaDE) project aims to significantly improve models of the structure and dynamics of the inner Galaxy. The goal is to probe into regions not reachable with optical and nIR sampling of the Galactic Bulge and Plane by performing an SiO maser survey in evolved AGB stars. These CSE masers reveal the stellar line-of-sight kinematics and can be used as point-mass particles in dynamical modeling representing the older stellar populations. The survey will be complementary to many other surveys, either because of very limited overlap (e.g., sampling different types of objects) or by providing additional information (e.g., providing velocities). The project also includes novel studies to obtain relatively accurate stellar distances in order to derive general stellar properties like bolometric and maser luminosities. The BAaDE survey, by itself or in combination with approximate distances, will yield a wealth of data allowing many different studies and statistical analysis on AGB stars, CSEs and SiO maser modeling and occurrence. Here we will showcase our data and highlight some of the early results.
Local Host: TBD
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