Colloq Abstract - Eric Carlson

September 12, 2022

12:00pm Mountain

Erik Carlson (University of Rhode Island)


Investigating Energy Production Mechanisms of High-Redshift Quasars Jets using Archival VLA and VLASS Data



In Gobeille (2011), an archivally complete sample of radio loud quasars was compiled to explore Hutchings, Price, and Gowers (1987) and Barthel & Miley (1988) explorations of the morphology of radio loud quasars as a function of redshift. While Gobeille (2011) provided new insights on the bending angle of quasars, the sample presented many high-resolutions observations of radio-loud quasars which had never been imaged before. With the incorporation of novel EVLA data and user-defined single epoch images from the Very Large Array Sky Survey, we are presented with an unprecedented sample to explore quasar jet energy production, magnetic fields, and orientation. This talk will our cover the incorporation of user-defined single epoch images from the VLASS into the Gobeille sample and our preliminary explorations and results.