Socorro Colloquium Schedule - Fall 2021

NRAO Socorro Friday Colloquium Schedule - Fall 2021

External colloquia primarily remain with the virtual/in-person CV colloquium series for this semester:

Instead of local colloquia we are having an informal seminar series that are held in-person at the auditorium of the Domenici Science Operations Center (DSOC) in Socorro, New Mexico and via zoom. All are welcome in-person following current Covid protocols.

Talks are usually scheduled for 11am local time on Fridays; those which are not are indicated in green.

Subscribe/add the NRAO Socorro Colloquium calendar via XML, ICal, or HTML

Fall 2021

15 Oct 2021
11:00 MT
Title: Evolution of neutral hydrogen properties of galaxies over one-third the age of the Universe
Speaker: Julia Blue Bird (NRAO)
Host: Brian Svoboda
22 Oct 2021
11:00 MT
Title: Invigorating scientific exchanges
Speaker: Open group discussion
Host: Brian Svoboda and Frank Schinzel
29 Oct 2021
11:00 MT
Title: Discovery of a highly collimated outflow from an extremely young high-mass protostellar candidate
Speaker: Tatiana M. Rodriguez (NMT)
Host: Brian Svoboda
5 Nov 2021
11:00 MT
Title: First impressions from the Astro2020 Decadal Report
Speaker: Open group discussion
Host: Frank Schinzel and Brian Svoboda
12 Nov 2021
11:00 MT

no presentation

19 Nov 2021
11:00 MT

no presentation

26 Nov 2021
11:00 MT

no presentation

3 Dec 2021
15:00 MT
Title: HPG: portable gridding/degridding code for aperture synthesis imaging on GPUs and CPUs
Speaker: Martin Pokorny (NRAO)
Host: Brian Svoboda
Note different time (15:00 MT)
10 Dec 2021
11:00 MT
Title: Empirical measurement of the 12C/13C ratio in the protoplanetary disk TW Hya
Speaker: Ryan Loomis (NRAO)
Host: Brian Svoboda
17 Dec 2021
11:00 MT
Title: Low frequency radio transient search results from LWA and recent updates on the COSMIC VLA project
Speaker: Savin Varghese (SETI)
Host: Paul Demorest

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If you would like a specific presentation or give a talk, contact . We are always on the lookout for suggestions of discussion topics.


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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.