Analysis Packages

The two main analysis packages used for the processing of VLA data are AIPS and CASA.


Common Astronomy Software Applications (CASA) package is a set of C++ tools bundled together under an iPython interface as a set of data reduction tasks. The CASA collaboration is led by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, with the primary goal of supporting the data post-processing needs of ALMA and the VLA. The CASA tasks are oriented towards end-user data processing and analysis, while the toolkit is geared towards the support of algorithm development and the construction of tasks.


The Astronomical Image Processing System is a software package from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory that is used for calibration, data analysis, imaging, image display, plotting, and a variety of ancillary tasks on astronomical data (primarily radio data). Strategies for VLA data reduction using AIPS can be found in the AIPS CookBook.

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The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.