
Documentation for EVLA data reduction, image making, observing preparation, etc., can be found in various manuals. Most current manuals are available on-line (see On-Line Information about the NRAO and the EVLA). Those manuals marked by an asterisk (*) can be mailed out upon request, or are available for downloading from the NRAO website. Direct your requests for mailed hardcopy to Lori Appel. Many other documents of interest to the EVLA user, not listed here, are available from our website.

  1. PROCEEDINGS FROM THE 1988 SYNTHESIS IMAGING WORKSHOP: Synthesis theory, technical information and observing strategies can be found in: "Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy." This collection of lectures given in Socorro in June 1988 has been published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific as Volume 6 of their Conference Series.
  2. PROCEEDINGS FROM THE 1998 SYNTHESIS IMAGING WORKSHOP: This is an updated and expanded version of Reference 1, taken from the 1998 Synthesis Imaging Summer School, held in Socorro in June, 1998. These proceedings are published as Volume 180 of the ASP Conference Series.
  3. INTRODUCTION TO THE NRAO VERY LARGE ARRAY (Green Book): This manual has general introductory information on the VLA. Topics include theory of interferometry, hardware descriptions, observing preparation, data reduction, image making and display. Major sections of this 1983 manual are now out of date, but it nevertheless remains the best source of information on much of the VLA. Copies of this are found at the VLA and in the DSOC, but no new copies are available. Much of this document is available for downloading through the NRAO's website. It does not include any information about EVLA-specific hardware and software.
  4. *A SHORT GUIDE FOR VLA SPECTRAL LINE OBSERVERS: This describes spectral line observations with the VLA. It may be useful for users of the VLA archive for understanding how archival observations may have been set up (local oscillator settings, etc.). It is VLA-specific, however, and much of it does not apply to the EVLA.
  5. *AIPS COOKBOOK: The "Cookbook" description for calibration and imaging under the AIPS system can be found near all public workstations in the DSOC. The latest version has expanded descriptions of data calibration imaging, cleaning, self-calibration, spectral line reduction, and VLBI reductions. See
  6. *GOING AIPS: This is a two-volume programmers manual for those wishing to write programs under AIPS. It is now somewhat out of date. See
  7. *VLA CALIBRATOR MANUAL: This manual contains the list of VLA Calibrators in both 1950 and J2000 epoch and a discussion of gain and phase calibration, and polarization calibration. It will remain useful for the EVLA. See
  8. *The Very Large Array: Design and Performance of a Modern Synthesis Radio Telescope, Napier, Thompson, and Ekers, Proc. of IEEE, 71, 295, 1983.
  9. *HIGH FREQUENCY OBSERVING GUIDE. A web-based manual with a great deal of information for users about observing with the VLA 0.7 cm and 1.3 cm observing systems. See VLA-specific, not updated for the EVLA.
  12. *The VLA Expansion Project: Construction Project Book. The EVLA Project Books contains the technical details of the EVLA construction project. It is available online at
  13. *CASA COOKBOOK: The CASA "Cookbook" for use of the package for data reduction is available, along with other documentation, from the CASA home page ( See

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The NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory and NSF Green Bank Observatory are facilities of the U.S. National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.